Current Research

This is a page dedicated to promoting collaborative research projects to help promote evidence-based practices. Here is some ongoing research that you can help support.

If you want to promote your current research, then email and P'Fella will take care of the rest.


QEH Birmingham are doing a survey to look at External referrals in burns and plastics surgery. I would appreciate your help in spreading this survey across burns&plastic units. This will help us check how other units receive referrals to facilitate better communications among speciality over the United Kingdom.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and manage patients. With ongoing issues such as national bed crises, we must have a robust communication method within our speciality. We would appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete this survey consisting of 5 questions that will help us capture how Burns and Plastics units across the country are communicating with their external referrals.

External referrals in burns and plastics surgery
Please take the time to complete our survey. Your feedback is important.

If you want to promote your current research, then email and P'Fella will take care of the rest.

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