Mathes and Nahai Classification

The Mathes and Nahai Classification was first described in 1981. It groups muscles flaps based on the number of pedicles available.
Mathes and Nahai Classification

3 Key Points on Mathes and Nahai Classification1. It describes the number of major & minor pedicles of a muscle flap.2. It was first described and published in 1981.3. Types I, III and V have a reliable blood supply.

Origin of Mathes and Nahai Classification

The Mathes and Nahai Classification system was first described in 1981 as a way of describing the blood supply to muscle and musculocutaneous flaps. It was first described by Mathes and Nahai in a 1981 PRS publication.

Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification
Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification

There are some important points for context:

  • There is no commonly used alternative classification for muscle flaps
  • It does not relate to local flaps, such as rotation or rhomboid flaps, only muscle.
  • It is different to Mathe and Nahai's fasciocutaneous flap classification.
  • Blood supply to muscles and musculocutaneous flaps can be read here.

Mathes and Nahai published their original publication for muscle flaps in 1981 in PRS Journal
Mathes and Nahai 1981 Publication

Mathes and Nahai Classification

The Mathes and Nahai Classification categorises muscle flaps based on the number of pedicles supplying that specific muscle flap. In total, there are 5 groups.

The Mathes and Nahai classification for muscle flaps can be visualised in the image below.

The Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification can be visualised base on the number of major and minor pedicles
Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification

Key points on the Mathes and Nahai classification system are:

  • Type 1: 1 major pedicle (gastrocnemius)
  • Type 2: 1 major and 1 minor pedicle (Gracilis Flap)
  • Type 3: 2 major pedicles (rectus abdominis)
  • Type 4: Minor segmental pedicles (sartorius)
  • Type 5: 1 major and minor segmental pedicles (latissimus dorsi flap)

These points are illustrated in the diagram below.

The number of major and minor pedicles for each muscle is used in the Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification
Mathes and Nahai Muscle Flap Classification

Tip: Type I, III, and V muscle flaps have the most reliable blood supply.

Mathes and Nahai Mnemonic

Mnemonic for Mathes and Nahai Classification is as follows: Ten Graceful Glutes Sat on Latrines.

  • Type I: TFL Flap
  • Type II: Gracilis Flap
  • Type III: Gluteus maximus Flap, VRAM Flap
  • Type IV: Sartorius Flap
  • Type V: Lattisimus dorsi flap

Another mnemonic for Muscles flaps is: "Get Good Remembering Supply Lines" · -

  • Type 1: Gastrocnemius
  • Type 2: Gracilis
  • Type 3: Rectus Abdominis
  • Type 4: Sartorius
  • Type 5: Latissumus dorsi

Tip: Muscle flaps are more bacterial resistant the fasciocutaneous flaps.


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