๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ We're not ready for AI in plastic surgery, "Ask P'Fella", & intra-op errors coping mechanisms.

Also this week, The Sunday Quiz with updated leaderboard, new events, and 3 must read articles of the week.
๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ We're not ready for AI in plastic surgery, "Ask P'Fella", &  intra-op errors coping mechanisms.

In this week's edition

  1. โœ๏ธ Letter from P'Fella
    Are you ready for the AI hype train?
  2. ๐Ÿค“ The Sunday Quiz
    Gorlin Syndrome and BCCs
  3. ๐ŸŽญ Upcoming Events
    Top 6 events in 2023.
  4. ๐Ÿ”ฅNew Features
    "Ask P'Fella" - you ask, P'Fella answers.
  5. ๐Ÿ“ธ Image of the Week
    AI-generated Congenital Naevus
  6. ๐Ÿฃ Tweets of the Week
    P'Fella's 3 favourite tweets
  7. ๐Ÿค” Ask P'Fella
    Submit & I'll answer!
  8. ๐Ÿ“ Articles of the Week
    How to cope with intra-op mistakes & 3 hot reads.
  9. ๐Ÿ’• Feedback
    Always looking to improve :)

BTW: There'll be a new episode of "Prep with P'Fella" on Spotify and Apple this week.

A Letter from P'Fella

We are not ready for the "AI in Plastic Surgery" hype train. 

AI is no longer just a buzzword in plastic surgery, it's becoming a reality. The number of AI-related publications in our field has skyrocketed from just a handful in 2010 to over a thousand by 2020. This surge in interest is not just a passing trend, it's a sign of the transformative role AI is starting to play in our field.

The AI Hype Train

As we look to the future, it's clear that AI is a powerful tool that can assist us in diagnosis, therapeutic decisions, preoperative planning, and outcome prediction and evaluation. But let's be clear, it's not about to replace us. Until we reach the point of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the final decision will always rest with us, the surgeons. We bring to the table years of experience and a nuanced understanding of our patients' unique needs and desires.

AI won't replace surgeons until "AGI"

One aspect of this AI revolution that I want to highlight is the role of journals. We need more than just any doctor reviewing AI research. We need reviewers who are well-versed in both plastic surgery and AI. This will ensure that the research we base our practice on is sound, and the AI tools we use are reliable and effective.

And let's face it, journals are likely to be more than willing to publish AI topics. It's a hot field, and more publications on AI means more citations, which in turn means a higher impact factor. It's a win-win situation.

But here's something we need to be mindful of. AI has the potential to outsmart any human verification system. This means we need to be vigilant when it comes to the validity of results. As we move forward, we need to ensure that the AI-generated data and results we're using are accurate and reliable.

So, are we prepared to welcome AI into our operating rooms and consultation suites? By keeping ourselves updated with the latest research, championing for stringent review standards, and staying vigilant of potential pitfalls, we can leverage AI to not just enhance our practice, but also to redefine the standards of patient care. This isn't just about keeping up with the times - it's about being pioneers in a new era of plastic surgery. Let's lead the charge together, and see where this exciting journey takes us.

Lots of love,

P'Fella โค๏ธ


1. AI is reshaping plastic surgery but won't replace surgeons until AGI is achieved.
2. Journals need AI-savvy reviewers to ensure the validity of AI research and tools.
3. Embracing AI requires vigilance and rigorous review standards to enhance patient care.

The Sunday Quiz

Gorlin Syndrome and BCCs

Gorlin syndrome (Basal Cell Naevus Syndrome) is an autosomal dominant condition associated with PTCH gene mutations on chromosome 9.

Some of the clinical features of Gorlin syndrome are illustrated below

Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following is true regarding Gorlin Syndrome?

  • A. These patients tend to get BCCs after age of 60.
  • B. ~50% are sporadic mutations
  • C. Are more likely to get melanoma than BCC.
  • D. Have narrow eyes

Upcoming Events

Events, Courses, Conferences, Webinars

P'Fella will bring you a weekly roundup of major events, informative webinars, and fantastic courses.

Top 6 Events

New Features

"Ask P'Fella" every week. 

Introducing "Ask P'Fella" - Your new hotline.

I'm excited to get to know all of you better because you're all amazing. That's why I'm introducing a new section in our newsletter called "Ask P'Fella," where you can ask me anything you'd like.

Ask now!

Whether you're seeking advice on plastic surgery, career choices, study tips, or curious about the future of thePlasticsFella platform, this is your chance to get the answers you need. There are no boundaries to the topics you can explore!

How does it work? It's as easy as pie! Just send me your questions, and I'll personally respond with expert insights and guidance in the next edition. You have the power to shape the conversation, so don't hesitate to ask away!

Image of the Week

AI-generated clinical images

AI-generated congenital melanocytic naevus

Tweets of the Week

Don't forget to follow P'Fella!

Ask P'Fella

NEW: You ask, I'll answer

Articles of the Week

3 must-read articles, 1 deep-dive! ๐Ÿ“š

3 Must-reads

  1. Clinical Examination not needed?
    Emanuelli et al. Preoperative Examination Is Not Associated with Postoperative Function following Radial Forearm Free Flap Harvest. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 151(5):p 828e-837e, May 2023
  2. Unraveling the Mysteries of the Superficial Fascia System - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, May 2023. Rohrich, Rod J. M.D.; Surek, Christopher C. D.O.; Cho, Min-Jeong M.D., Ph.D.
  3. Changes in Aesthetic Surgery Interest in Men
    Published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, May 2023. Authors: Melinda Lem, Jason T. Pham, Joshua KyungHo Kim & Cathy J. Tang

How to cope with intra-operative errors!

Study highlights need for interventions/training to improve coping skills/support for surgeons & staff after intraoperative errors. Effective strategies: error disclosure, calmness, communication. Poor coping behaviors: anger, blame.

Read this Journal Club


P'Fella is always looking to make this weekly newsletter as good as can be!

Let me know your thoughts below :) 

About the author

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Plastic Surgery

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