thePlasticsPaper - January 2nd

Curated evidence-based Plastic Surgery, direct to your inbox. It's hard to keep up-to-date. thePlasticsPaper sends you 1 email per week - just the highlights!
thePlasticsPaper - January 2nd

In this Week's Edition

1. โœ๏ธ Letter from P'Fella - 1000 to +9000 users
2. ๐Ÿ“ Article of the Week - most read in 2021
3. ๐Ÿง Weekly Quiz Competition - with leaders
4. ๐ŸŽญ Upcoming Events - 9 big conferences
5. ๐Ÿฃ Tweet of the Week
6. ๐Ÿš€ Roadmap - thePlasticsPro in 2022.


A Letter from P'Fella

Weekly insights into the thoughts and perspectives of P'Fella.

1000 to +9,000 users in 1 year

Reflecting on 2021, P'Fella can't help but think what an amazing year it has been. Thanks to you. thePlasticsFella set goals and achieved them (in some areas surpassed them).

It was a year focused on 1 mission: to build the most accessible educational platform for plastic surgery trainees. The year began with ~1000 monthly users. Starting 2022, P'Fella is proud to be able to say that on average ~9000 people use it every month. Of those, ~62% use it more than 3 times per week.

Here are some interesting stats:

  • 110,000 mins on thePlasticsLibrary
  • 9000 monthly users
  • 1100 readers of ย thePlasticsPaper
  • 600 MCQs for thePlasticsQuiz (coming soon)
  • 112 evidence-based topics topics
  • 30 graduating thePlasticsInterview (update coming soon)
  • $0 profit

Thank you

P'Fella didn't get here alone. Thank you to the amazing Plastic Surgery community who are creating content, giving feedback, promoting, and cheering. You keep thePlasticsFella mission going in the right direction. ย 

Reflecting on 2021 creates even more excitement for 2022.


Article of the Week

thePlasticsFella reviews 1 evidence-based, relevant Plastic Surgery article published in the last 7 days. 

It's the festive season. And, you know what that means?? ย Take a break!!

There is no new review this week because you need to take time off Plastic Surgery.

For those superfans who love this part of the newsletter the most, well here is a compilation of popular "Articles of the Week".


Weekly Quiz Competition

The most popular section of thePlasticsPaper. The leaderboard now has over +50 Plastic Surgeons and Trainees. Click below for this week's question


Upcoming Events

9 Conferences and Meetings in 2022

Every week, P'Fella curates webinars and events for the next 7 days. Since it's the start of the year, here is something different - the big conferences and meetings for 2022! 

  1. ASPS In-Service Exam - Virtual, March 2022.
  2. ASPS Spring Meeting - Virtual, March 2022.
  3. AAPS Centennial Meeting - San Diego, April 2022.
  4. RACS 90th Annual Scientific Conference - Brisbane, May 2022.
  5. Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
  6. Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022.
  7. ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
  8. ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
  9. Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.


Tweets of the Week

Twitter is the best way to stay updated in #PlasticSurgery. Follow P'Fella



Building thePlasticsPro in 2022

thePlasticsInterview - January 2022

Yes, that's right... this month!

This is going to be great. The goal is to create a definitive companion for the upcoming Plastic Surgery Interviews.

Check out this sneak-peak of a common interview station - "Call the Boss and Consent - Necrotizing Fasciitis".

thePlasticsQuiz - March 2022

P'Fella cannot wait to launch the largest online question bank for Plastic Surgery trainees. So many supporters of the thePlasticsFella's mission have been creating amazing questions.

Check out what to expect here.

p.s if you want to create questions and be rewarded, then click the link above and submit your email.

thePlasticsPod - July 2022

Hmm, yes.. going to be jumping on the bandwagon here. It's not really going to be an educational podcast though. Something different. Something entertaining. 

If you think you could be a good co-host then email Would love to hear from you! 

thePlasticsCommunity - September 2022

thePlasticsFella has identified 1 potential gap in Plastic Surgery Training. Mentorship, support, advice, and general discussion. It doesn't really happen on social media. So P'Fella wants to create a safe space for thoughtful and helpful discussions on Plastic Surgery topics. It's a work in progress! 

thePlasticsApp - December 2022

P'Fella has always been reluctant to develop an iOS or Android app. Knowledge-based apps have one major issue - they are keeping against Google. It is natural human instance to google something first. And, Google gets it right the majority of the time.

Good thing, this isn't going to be a knowledge-based app. Stay tuned! 

About the author

One platform for everything
Plastic Surgery

A curated suite of educational tools designed specifically for the evidence-based Plastic Surgeon.

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